The OU provides assistance to communities aspiring to grow, communities attempting to attract new families or others struggling with internal conflict and crisis.

Crisis Management: During times of internal crisis within your congregation, the OU can serve as an objective resource, and provide outside assistance to ensure that your synagogue remains a strong and vibrant institution.

Disaster Relief: Natural disasters, fires, and other devastating catastrophic occurrences can be a challenge to any community when they occur. The OU is there to assist during these difficult times as a resource to ensure your synagogue and community emerges stronger than before.

Communal Growth: The OU is dedicated to your community progress. Our biennial Jewish Communities Home and Job Relocation Fair in New York City is the perfect venue to showcase your community’s amenities to the over +1,500 attendees. Eager families both young and older – participate in learning more about Jewish life in communities throughout North America, in a search for a new home with opportunities of employment and/or affordable housing.